Monday, February 25, 2008


There is no originality anymore. Maybe a few hits but I don't get to see it often. So rather than do something original or be happy with one, I've been unintentionally comparing one thing from the other. I'm feeling a bit lost because I think what I have is coming up short with my expectations. But I feel guilty for feeling that way because I already have what I want. Or do I?


I can observe really well if I put my mind into it. I can also tune out from a conversation but still look interested if I choose to. Yes, like a functional appliance it seems that I have different functions I can perform at a specific time. Even multiple functions all at once if necessary. Here's the spanking brand new yet old multi-function Zeri. Comes in different colors and sizes.


Recently, I've been bumming around and it makes me lose my mind over trivial things. I have nothing to occupy my hands so I occupy them with thoughts that lead to exaggeration and paranoia. Sometimes, I even create various scenarios on what kind of life will I be having in the future which leads me back the exaggeration and paranoia. A never-ending cycle.

Question for the day:
Will you let me know if you still want me (if I turn out to be a psycho)?


Wednesday, February 06, 2008


That's me. A fight ensued and I laugh as if it's not really happening. I feel the hurt but I still laugh.


A person died. I say that there probably is a death mark somewhere. I laugh again thinking that it might be fate that people die all around that person. I sympathize but I still laugh.
