Thursday, November 16, 2006

Silence of these walls...

The reason why people don't really say what they mean around people. They'd rather speak to walls. These walls won't utter a thing or talk back.

Secrets that are meant to be told are heard by walls. But these secrets are bound to come out, it is only a matter of time. A friend said that they know, they always do.

Trust and confidence...

How can you get yourself out of a web of deception you placed yourself in? Stories created and excuses made. You made these stories real and reality fictional. Lessening a lie is still a lie. There's just no way of saving yourself from the words you've said.

Love thee...

Uncertainty makes fear more prominent. Hesitations give way to insecurity. Learn to stand up for what you believe in? It's not that easy. Life never is.

Question for the day: What is your deepest and darkest secret?


Sunday, November 12, 2006

* "Platelets are irregularly-shaped, colorless bodies that are present in blood. Their sticky surface lets them, along with other substances, form clots to stop bleeding."

Didn't really understand how important they were until it came to a time when you needed them the most.

There are a lot of things that we take for granted. We live our lives routinely. You don't really care much. You live life at your own time and ease. You care by saying you do. But when something comes along and puts a dent on the ease you've taken your life in, you'd rather hide. Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet.

The 'ease' that you carry along as your safety net. You ask first to yourself "What's in it for me?" and not "What's in it for the other person?" Don't you dare say you've never thought of this even once. You can say "I care!" all day long but in the find reasons (even if there are viable reasons) not to do anything about it. The more reasons you make to be more convincing, the more you are lying to yourself. It takes you time to just pick up the phone to ask because if it was earlier it would have been an inconvenience. It takes you an effort and time to give a reply because you're not sure of what reason to say or how to say it. It's easier not to reply at all.

Just say "I really just don't care."

I have been a victim of the 'ease' in life. I made such decisions based on what I think is best for me and not really for the other. I've taken easy way outs. I've escaped a thousand times before. Not anymore.

"Man is essentially selfish"

Spending 21 hours awake made me realize how important it is to care. It's not only for the people around you but for people who need it the most. Some can make selfless acts and don't even hesitate to say "Yes, I will be there." They can and I will. Life shouldn't be about ease. It takes a step to be selfish, but it takes a leap to just care.

No questions asked

*Definition found in:


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lucky nine.

Don't jinx the number. Why was it called lucky? What is the origin of this number that made it lucky? Why can't it be any number? It depends . For the Chinese, the lucky number is eight because it has no ends - so luck continues on and on. The infinity symbol when you lay it on the side. So what's with the number nine?

Life incomplete.

As we inch towards more years added to our life, how do we know that our life is sort of complete? Change is constant right? So can it ever be complete at some point? Other than death, of course. ;)

You are a change in me. That's all. It's really not the number, it's the person.

Question for the day: What do you consider lucky in your life?
