Depression is my best friend if I really want to write.
Moments. That's all I have right now. Just a few seconds or minutes of happiness and then it goes out of the window. Once again I use the word karma. I have been a bitch. I have been selfish. I have been in denial. Maybe the time has finally for the results to bite me on the ass. It's telling me "Zeri, now do you know what it feels?" I am fickle. I change my mind all the time. I say one thing then do another. Is it due to the excitement that is caused by the unpredictability of my actions? I know this gets me into trouble. I get tackless. Then I forget.
I miss myself sometimes. I am becoming this person who's engrossed in an element of her life that she forgets the bigger picture. I try. I do. I make mistakes and I gain experiences. Still, I feel like I make the same mistakes over and over again and that's all I have left - the experience of a mistake.
I don't relish growing up and facing responsiblities. It's ironic because I am the eldest and I have to do just that.
Take in the minuses with the pluses.
If only I could lessen my minuses....